Everything about the German Self-Determination Law
Changing Civil Status in 5 Steps
Following instructions outline the steps and considerations necessary for changing the civil status of an adult with legal competence and German citizenship in accordance with the SBGG. Additional information for minors or persons without legal competence and people without German citizenship can be found in the FAQ below.
Inform YourselfSince there are large differences between registry offices in the exact interpretation of the law, it is advisable to find out more in advance. The decisive factor here is the registry office responsible for you. This is usually the registry office that entered you into the birth register (birth registry office, further information on responsibility in the FAQ). If you would like to make your declaration at another registry office, it is advisable to also find out about its requirements.Many registry offices, especially in large cities, already have information about this on their websites. If this is not the case, you can simply write a short email to the registry office or call them. Important questions that you should clarify include:
How does the registration take place? Can I register by phone? Is there a printable form for the registration?
Which documents are necessary for registration and/or declaration? (Many registry offices require a birth certificate, which may have to be applied for in advance)
Does the number of new first names chosen have to be equal to the old number of first names? (More on this in the FAQ)
On asheyblob.wixsite.com (German) you will find a collection of information about individual registry offices.
RegistrationIn order to change your gender entry and your first names, you must register at least three months in advance. This registration must be done at the same registry office where you would like to have your civil status change made (Declaration). (There may be deviations from this rule when making declarations abroad; more on this in the FAQ)You can either declare this registration in person on site or send it in written form by post to the registry office. Many registry offices already have printable forms for this on their websites. If there is no form, you can also register informally. Here it is important that your registration contains your current legal name, your date and place of birth, your home address and your signature!Depending on the registry office, registration is also possible by telephone or fax.
3-6 months after registrationDeclarationThree months after registration, you have another three months to make the actual declaration of change in your civil status on site. If you do not make the declaration within six months of registration, you must register again and wait three months. For example, if you registered on August 1st, you can submit the declaration in November, December or January.You should bring an ID (e.g. Personalausweis (identity card) or passport) with you for the declaration. Many registry offices also require a birth certificate and, if applicable, a marriage or civil partnership certificate. Depending on the registry office, it may be advisable to make an appointment to submit the declaration.Now you have to decide on a new gender entry and new first names. Possible gender specifications are "weiblich" (female), "männlich" (male), "divers" (diverse) or deletion of the entry. Your new first name(s) must match your chosen gender entry. (More on this in the FAQ)Finally, you must confirm that your chosen gender entry best corresponds to your gender identity and that you are aware of the consequences of the declaration.
Applying for new Identification Documents and CertificatesNow that you have a different legal name, you will also need to have your ID cards and other documents reissued. (More about the costs in the FAQ)Documents you should apply for with your new name include:
Personalausweis (identity card) and passport
Driver's license
Certificates (e.g. graduation)
Changing Civil Status in nonofficial RegistersYour personal information can also be found in the files of many nonofficial organizations. Normally, they will not be informed automatically about your change in civil status, but will rely on you to inform them about the change in your gender entry and your first names. Here are some examples:
Your school, your university and/or your employer
Your bank and/or payment service providers
Your Insurance
Clubs you are a member of
Frequently Asked Questions
At which registry office can the declaration be submitted?
In principle, the declaration can be submitted at any German registry office or at any German agency abroad (e.g. an embassy). If the declaration is not made at the registry office that is responsible for you, the declaration will be forwarded to that office.However, the declaration must be made at the same registry office where you have already submitted your registration!If the declaration is to be made at a German agency abroad, it depends on them whether the registration must be submitted there or at the registry office responsible for you.
Which registry office is responsible for me?
If the declaration is not made to the registry office responsible for you, the declaration will be forwarded to that office. The responsible registry office is the registry office that manages your entry in the civil status register. Normally this is the registry office that issued your birth certificate (birth registry office).If this does not result in jurisdiction, the registry office where the marriage took place is responsible; otherwise, the registry office at the place of residence. If this does not result in jurisdiction either, the registry office I in Berlin is responsible.
Is it possible to only change the first names on their own?
No, according to the SBGG, the gender entry must also be changed. The change of the gender entry then leads to the determination of new first names. To change only the first names, there are other laws, such as the Namensänderungsgesetz (Name Change Act).
Does the number of first names have to remain the same?
The text of the SBGG does not contain any direct restriction stating that the number of first names may not change. In a circular letter from the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Homeland (BMI), the registry offices were advised to deny changing the number of first names. After the repeated complaints of affected people and the government, another circular letter was sent in which the previous restrictions are withdrawn.According to the current recommendation of the BMI, the number of first names can be "increased or reduced, [with a] maximum limit of five first names".However, it seems like some registry offices have not received one or both circular letters, or deliberately deviate from the BMI recommendations. Therefore, it can still make sense to ask the registry office responsible for you how their specific requirements are and, if necessary, to point out the circular letters of the BMI.
Is it possible to only change the gender entry? Can I keep my current first names?
According to the SBGG, after changing the gender entry, new first names must be determined that match the respective gender. If your previous first names match your new gender entry, you can keep them, otherwise you must change them.
How is it decided whether the chosen first names match the gender entry?
The SBGG only vaguely specifies that first names must "correspond to the chosen gender entry". It can therefore be assumed that the same conditions apply here as when the parents choose the first names at birth.The third circular letter of the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Homeland (BMI) recommends the following regulation:
Gender entry "weiblich" (female): First names that are either considered purely female or equally female and male (gender-neutral) can be chosen. First names that are considered purely male cannot be chosen.
Gender entry "männlich" (male): First names that are either considered purely male or equally male and female (gender-neutral) can be chosen. First names that are considered purely female cannot be chosen.
Gender entry "divers" (diverse) or deletion of the entry: All first names can be chosen regardless of which gender they are assigned to. This means that first names that are considered purely female or purely male are possible, but also first names that are considered equally female and male (gender-neutral).
If a registry office is not sure whether the desired first names are suitable, an external name assessment is necessary; in difficult cases, a court may have to decide.If you would like to know whether a particular first name can be used with your desired gender entry, it is best to ask the registry office responsible for you directly!
Do I have to justify the change? Do I need an expert opinion or certificate?
Since the Self-Determination Act is a self-declaration, you do not have to justify your decision. You only have to assure the registry office that your chosen gender entry best corresponds to your gender identity. You do not need an expert opinion or a certificate for this.
When can I change my civil status again? How does the blocking period work?
The SBGG contains a blocking period which states that there must be at least one year between two declarations of change of civil status. However, the new registration can be made before the end of this one year.For example, if your last change in civil status using the SBGG took place on November 1st, 2024, you will not be able to make a declaration again until November 2nd, 2025.The blocking period does not apply to minors and legally incapacitated persons.
What applies to minors?
For minors, the procedure differs depending on their age:
younger than 5 years: The declaration must be made by the parents (or legal representatives). They must also declare that they have been advised. The child's consent is not necessary. If the declaration is made by a guardian, the consent of the family court is also necessary.
5-13 years: The declaration must be made by the parents (or legal representatives). They must also declare that they have been advised. The child must consent to the change in civil status. If the declaration is made by a guardian, the consent of the family court is also necessary.
14-17 years: The adolescent must make the declaration themselves and must confirm that they have been advised. In addition, the consent of the parents (or legal guardians) is required. In the event of a conflict (e.g. if the parents do not consent), a family court can replace the consent.
There is no blocking period for minors.
What applies to adults who are legally incapable?
For adults who are legally incapable, only the respective guardian can make the declaration to change the gender entry and first names. The consent of the guardianship court is required for this.There is no blocking period for adults who are legally incapable.
What applies to people without German citizenship?
People without German citizenship can only use the SBGG if they have chosen German law according to Art. 7a Para. 2 EGBGB and have either a permanent right of residence, a renewable residence permit or an EU Blue Card.
How much does a change of civil status cost using the SBGG?
The change in civil status itself, which is made by making a declaration at a registry office, is only part of the total costs that are incurred, as new identification documents and certificates must also be applied for. The amount of all of these costs depends heavily on the respective registry office or the respective ID authority. For your orientation, here are the most important costs:
Declaration of change of civil status at the registry office: ~35€
New Personalausweis (identity card): 22,80€ or 37€
New passport: 37,50€ or 70€
New driver's license: ~25€
Further information can be found on sbgg.info (German)
The Self-Determination Act has had a long journey. Starting with the coalition agreement, numerous drafts, readings and hearings, up to the final announcement in the Federal Law Gazette, a lot has happened. You can find the complete history clearly summarized in our timeline.
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The recommendations above are projects related to the topic of trans*, in which I either participate myself or whose operators I am in close contact with.
About this Website
Hi, I'm Kim (they/them)! As a non-binary person, I have been interested in the Self-Determination Act for a long time.During the legislative procedure, only few things were revealed about the progress of the project. And now, after the law has been passed, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.On this page I want to document the history of the Self-Determination Act and explain how to use it.If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me.